Beerwah State School is a place where students get the opportunity to be the best they can be in their learning journeys. There are a wide variety of programs and activities, which make the most of our extensive facilities and beautiful surroundings.
Outdoor Classroom Program- Kandoo Joeys Playgroup
- Early Years Perceptual Motor Program
- Support A Talker
- Reading Passports – Personal Reading Program
- Air-Conditioned Classrooms
- Free student subscriptions to Department of Education Digital Library.
- Instrumental Music – Percussion, Brass and Wind
- Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
- Spanish
- Curriculum Excursions
- Year 4-6 Camp Program
- Student Leadership Program
- Biannual School Concert
- School Discos
- Fun Fridays
- Lunchtime activities
- Book Week Parade
- Bucket Filling! (watch YouTube clip)
- Kandoo Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) Program
- Kandoo Superstar Awards that ALL students can achieve
- Rock and Water Program
How do families describe some of the great things about our school?
- caring and dedicated staff and teachers
- communication with parents
- very encouraging and beautiful school
- feels very comfortable and safe
- communication from school via Skoolbag App is great
- positive outlook with learning
- the bucket-filling and anti-bullying policy
- great recognition for children's achievements
- Kandoo program
- a great SEP department
- SAKG (Term 3 2022 Parent/Carer Feedback)