My name is Tanya Gripske
and I am the Guidance Officer at Beerwah State School. I work directly with students in addition to working with a student's teachers, school support personnel, family, other specialists and external support providers. I visit the school every Tuesday, Mondays (even weeks) and Wednesdays (odd weeks).
The service I provide includes support for:
Assessment to help identify learning and/or behavioural needs and investigate support options
Behaviour support such as conflict resolution, anger management, emotion regulation etc
Counselling for emotional needs such as grief, loss, self-esteem, family issues etc
Development of student and class programs such as protective behaviours, mental health programs etc
Education programs referrals for parents such as Management of Young Children Program (MYCP), Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) etc
This student support works best in partnership with teachers and parents/carers. Parents/Carers are always welcome to contact me at the school. Students may also initiate contact, although generally, teachers make the necessary referrals when specific needs are observed. Many of the services require written parent/carer permission before ongoing or detailed support is offered.